Monday, June 3, 2019

The Historical Marginalization Of Underprivileged Students

The Historical Marginalization Of Underprivileged nurture-age childsDespite the Brown v. bill of fare of Education closing of the Supreme Court in 1954, a landmark case that entitled tout ensemble children to equal educational opportunities in the United States, regardless of race, economic background, religion, and a host of other factors, many students continue to be marginalized both in and outside of tutor. Students of color, students with disabilities, students learning English, students from low income families, and other marginalized student groups continue to face unfair opportunities in informtimes and the resulting disparate operation (Frattura Capper, 2007).Addressing this continued marginalization and inequitable schooling is a key principle of the ontogenesis c either for leading for social arbitrator (Grogan, 2002 Theoharis, 2007), where the read/write head serves as the moderator of the equitable interests of all within a school context (Hodgkinson, 19 99). Knowing that school leaders is key to tidying schools (Fullan, 1993 Grogan 2002), scholars focused on stop understanding social dearice leaders fox identified exemplar cases where school leaders committed to equity have taken action to manufacture more than just learning environments for marginalized students (Reister, Pursch Skrla, 2002 Scheurich, 1998 Theoharis, 2007).Although studies have examined schools that make a difference in the lives of marginalized children (Oakes, Quartz, Ryan Lipton, 2000 Reister, Pursch Skrla, 2002), there is an absence of literature regarding principals as the unit of analysis and the touch on of principals suffice as leaders for social nicety. Related to this is an absence of documented strategies that principals who ar leading for equity and excellence use.The get of this study is to build upon the growing body of scholarship by the exploration of the blood between K-5 elementary principal leadership appearances and student achi evement for marginalized students (subgroup populations). This study leave alone besides rebound systems and structures within organizations that promote school-wide instruction leading to achievement of students historically marginalized. Finally, the study will identify the role professional development of school leaders plays in creating more socially just and excellent school.Significance of the studyThe historical marginalization of underprivileged students often results in a schoolculture that perpetuates the average and ignores the social injurists that pervade ourschools. The resulting and inevitable destiny for many of these students is continued school failure and social inequality. A school culture that does non accept the function of answering to the needs of these students and their families simply propagates hegemony and leaves these students behind-without hope, without vision, and without equal access to the quality of education to which all children are entitl ed (Kose, 2005 Urban, 2009). Many years of stereotyped beliefs about the say-so of marginalized populations of students has led to a deep-seated disparity between the majority and minority populations. Such differences allow the achievement gap to remain intact. These differences also result in a disproportionate number of students of color dictated erroneously in special educational where resources are also inadequate to meet their needs.Despite reform efforts and increased awareness based on query the disparity between students continues to exist. Current research shows effective school leadership can influence boilersuit student achievement in our schools (Leithwood et al., 2006 Marzano et al., 2005 Portin et al., 2003 Waters Cameron, 2006 Waters Grubb, 2004). In defining what leadership skills lead to effective school leadership, Marzano, Waters and McNulty (2005) and Waters and Cameron (2006) created 21 principal leadership responsibilities. The 21 leadership responsibilit ies developed from past educational research whitethorn be very similar to the leadership standards created by the Interstate enlighten leaders Lic understand Consortium (The Council of Chief State School Officers, 2008). In order to define what are considered effective principal leadership skills, the Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium created six principal leadership standards based also on past educational research (The Council of Chief State School Officers, 2008). These leadership standards have been adopted by many state educational departments and in Maryland are incorporated in Marylands Leadership Framework (Maryland State Department of Education, 2005). sequence some schools have been recognized as being equitable and excellent, what remains unknown are the specific relationship between K-5 elementary principal leadership behaviors and student achievement for marginalized students (subgroup populations). In other words, donnishs and school leaders are interes ted in knowing what does leadership that transforms school into more equitable and just places, with an attention to achievement for all, accomplish? How do these leaders do that? What knowledge, skills and dispositions are required of this? passkey development and preparation of schools leaders requires exemplars of equity and social justice behaviors which will be presented in this study.Purpose of the studyThis study advances conversation about what exemplary leadership of schools for social justice and academic achievement for all students means. The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship of K-5 elementary principals leadership behaviors to student achievement for marginalized students. Why do some Maryland elementary schools serving low-income or minority students score richlyer on the states assessments than other schools with very similar students? This study seeks answers to that question by surveying principals and teachers in Maryland elementary schools ser ving similar student populations and analyzing the results to determine which current K-5 leadership practices and policies are most strongly associated with higher levels of student achievement for Maryland State assessment sub-group populations. It also seeks to identify the systems and structures within organizations that promote school-wide instruction leading to achievement of students historically marginalized. Finally, the study will identify the role professional development plays in creating more socially just, successful school leaders.Failure to educate students has a three-tiered impact (1) Global impact and effects on the American economy, (2) national implications of a lengthiness inequity among peoples of color or poverty and (3) personal implications reflected in a historically marginalized students quality of life and ability to contribute to society (Urban, ). Results from this study whitethorn lead to better leadership preparation for principals, as well as profe ssional development for leaders based on leadership behaviors that ensure all students succeed. It will also provide research based strategies for organizing and structuring schools to better meet the needs of all learners.Research QuestionsThe following research questions will be examined in this studyWhat is the relationship between K-5 elementary principals specific leadership behaviors to student achievement for historically marginalized students?What are the organizational structures and systems that are perceived to contribute to high student performance for historically marginalized students?What role does professional development play in creating more socially just, equitable and successful school leaders?Definitions, Limitations, and DelimitationsFor the purpose of this study the following terms have been definedDependent Variable Scores on fifth grade Reading Maryland State Assessments. self-sufficient Variables Students who belong to a subgroup population (%African Americ an, %Hispanic, % of Students with Disabilities, and % of students of Free and Reduced meal status) with those students who are not.Achievement Equity Having comparably high performance for all groupsof learners when academic achievement data are disaggregated and analyzed.Achievement Gap The achievement gap is a persistent, pervasive and significant disparity in educational achievement and proficiency among groups of students as determined by a standardized measure. When analyzed according to race and ethnicity, achievement disparities negatively impact educational outcomes for poor children and children of color on a consistent basis.AYP Annual Yearly Progress (AYP) growth over three years of all subgroups.Cultural Frame of Reference Reference that guides peoples behavior from their pointof view of the given people (Ogbu, 1995).Culturally Relevant and Responsive Pedagogy Instruction that takes into accountand applies curriculum to students cultural, ethnic, language, andsocioecono mic background (Banks, Cookson, Gay, Hawley, 2001).Deficit mentation Students who fail in school do so because of alleged internaldeficiencies (such as cognitive and/or motivational limitations) or shortcomingssocially linked to the youngster-such as familial deficits (Valencia, 1997).Educational Leadership Policy Standards ISLLC 2008 (ISLLC 2008) Standards used to guide principal preparation programs and principal certification organizes the functions that help define strong school leadership under six standards. These standards represent the broad, high-priority themes that education leaders must address in order to promote the success of every student. These six standards call for1. place a widely shared vision for learning2. Developing a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learningand stave professional growth3. Ensuring effective management of the organization, operation, and resources for asafe, efficient, and effective learning environment4. Colla borating with faculty and community members, responding to diversecommunity interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources5. Acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner and6. Understanding, responding to, and influencing the political, social, legal, andcultural contexts.Hegemony Racial and cultural domination (Spring, 2005).Leadership for Excellence and Equity Schools in which all students achieve high levels of academic success, regardless of any students race, ethnicity, culture, neighborhood, income of parents, or home language (Scheurich Skrla, 2003, p.1). Schools in which principals advocate, lead and keep at the center of their practice and vision issues of race, class, gender, disability, sexual orientation, and other historically and shortly marginalizing conditions in the United States. (Theoharis, 2004, p.3).Marginalized populations groups of people in the United States marginalized by the majority culture (Kitzinger, 1996). In this study marginali zed populations include children of marginalized communitiesin particular, poor children, and children of all ethnic backgrounds and those with disabilitiesinvolves negotiating the hardships that are a product of a legacy of discrimination. Once these children enter the classroom they often are faced with a curriculum that can be moot to their realities, ability groupingand a system of tracking that often excludes them from courses needed to pursue higher education (Potts, 2003 Smith, 2000).Maryland School Assessment (MSA) The MSA is a rill of reading and math achievement that demonstrates how well students have mastered academic standards specified in the Voluntary State Curriculum. The test was developed to meet the account requirements of the No infant Left Behind Act. The test is administered in March to students in grades three through eight, and once in high school.No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) The NCLB Act of 2001 aims at ensuring both academic excellence and eq uity by providing new opportunities and challengesfor states to advance the goal of closing the achievement gap. It relies on high stakestesting to ensure that schools make adequate yearly progress (AYP) towardthe goal of 100% proficiency by 2014. Supporters of NCLB claim the ordinance encourages accountability in public schools, offers parents greater educational options for their children, and helps close the achievement gap between minority and white students. NCLB aims to show achievement toward these goals through federally mandated standardized testing. NCLB seeks to narrow class and racial gaps in school performance by creating common expectations for all. It requires schools and districts to focus their attention on the academic achievement of traditionally under-served groups of children, such as low-income students, students with disabilities, and students of major racial and ethnic subgroups.Opportunity to Learn equity Equal access to a rigorous curriculum for all studen ts.Professional Development The National Staff Development Council defines the term professional development to mean a comprehensive, sustained, and intensive approach to improving teachers and principals effectiveness in meridian student achievementSchool Culture Something reflected in the environment of the school. It is present ineveryone and every environment consciously and unconsciously (Clarke Estes, 2002).School-Wide Instruction Consistent writ of execution of instruction throughout theentire school.Social justice Refers to the concept of a society that gives individuals and groups fair treatment and an equitable share of the benefits of society. In this context, social justice is based on the concepts of human rights and equity. Under social justice, all groups and individuals are entitled equally to important rights such as health protection and marginal standards of income.Dantley and Tillmans (2006) position is that social justice ultimately changes inequities and ma rginalization. Bogtochs (2002) situates this social justice position within the context of school leadership. Theoharis (2007) definition of leadership for social justice leaders advocate, lead, and keep at the center of their practice and vision issues of race, class, gender, disability, sexual orientation, and other historically and currently marginalizing conditions in the United States. This definition centers on addressing and eliminating marginalization in schools. In doing so, inclusive schooling practices for students with disabilities, English language learners, and other students traditionally segregated in schools are also necessitated.Special Education Services and supports intentional to minimize the impact ofdisability and maximize opportunity to grow and learn (Hehir, 2007).Standards-Based Instruction Use of curriculum and instruction that is aligned withthe Standards determined by the school or state.Structure Institutional mechanisms, policies, and procedures put i n place by federal,state or district policy and legislation or widely accepted as the official structureof schools not subject to change at the local school site (i.e., personnel policies,use of instructional time, program regulations).Student Achievement in Reading Student achievement in reading will be measured by MSA reading scale scores. The State Board of Education set cut scores for performance standards on MSA testing. Performance standards determine cut scores for students performing at proficient and advanced levels. Students not performing at proficient or advanced levels are considered to be at the basic level.System Coordinated and coherent use of resources (time, personnel, students,parents, funds, facilities, etc) constructed by the school site to ensure that schoolvisions, missions and goals are met (i.e., professional development, teachercollaboration, use of time).Systemic Equity The transformed ways in which systems and individualshabitually operate to ensure that every learner-in whatever learning environmentthat learner is found-has the greatest opportunity to learn enhanced by theresources and supports necessary to achieve competence, excellence,independence responsibility, and self-sufficiency for school and for life (Scott,2001).Tracking A way to organize or segregate students based on ability level.LimitationsOne of the central limitations of this study is that excellence in selectedschools will be defined solely by students attainment of a target score (AYP) on a standardized test.Another limitation will be the focus on a single school district.DelimitationsExternal validity is impacted based on some delimitations.The use of purposeful sample distribution will be required to select the schools based on a listof criteria which will be identified by the researcher.Selection criteria will limit the ability to generalize since there will be a narrow set ofcriteria in place for the study.Small sampling and school location may limit the abi lity to generalize information to other schools and district.Chapter 2REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE AND CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORKIntroductionMoral purpose of the highest order is having a system where all students learn, thegap between high and low performance becomes greatly reduced, and what peoplelearn enables them to be successful citizensThe role strategically placed to bestaccomplish this is the principalship.Michael Fullan, The Moral Imperative Of School LeadershipThis chapter focuses on the three concepts at the core of this study social justice, leadership, and achievement for marginalized populations. Each outcome will be examined in terms of its theories and concepts as well as supporting empirical evidence in research. Social justice, as the overarching topic of this research study, is reviewed first.Next, the history of leadership literature, proposed leadership models, and therelationship between leadership and social justice, is presented followed by areview of student achieve ment for all students, student achievement measures, dimensions and correlations to social justice and leadership. The chapter concludes with theoretically supported rationale for three hypotheses expressing positive relationships between social justice, and leadership behaviors and social justice and student achievement of marginalized students and leadership behaviors and student achievement of marginalized students.While the existing literature points to the deep impact that schools have on student learning what remains unknown is the specific relationship between K-5 elementary principal leadership behaviors and student achievement for marginalized students (subgroup populations). Scholars and practitioners in the field of education are interested in knowing what does leadership that transforms school into more equitable and just places, with an attention to achievement for all students, accomplish? How do these leaders do it? What knowledge, skills and dispositions are required ? To address this gap in the literature, this particular study will be conducted to specifically explore the outcomes and dimensions of leadership behaviors and to identify relationships between these behaviors and student achievement for marginalized populations. Professional development and preparation of schools leaders requires exemplars of equity and social justice behaviors which I intend to present in this study.

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